Sundre Airport

Sundre Airport is located 4.5 km southwest of Sundre in Central Alberta and is 125km northwest of Calgary International Airport. The aerodrome is owned by Mountain View County and is managed and maintained by KS2L. KS2 Management handles complete airport management at CFN7 including operations, maintenance, economic development, and facility management.

Contact Information:

Main Phone #: 403-335-3311
Email Address:

Available Services:

Fuel: 100LL & Jet A-1 Self-Service
Parking: Overnight, Tie-downs, Plug-in available, extended parking
Terminal: Wi-Fi, Washrooms, Phone

Flt Planning:

FIC – Edmonton: 866-WXBRIEF

ACC – Edmonton IFR: 888-358-7526

Rwy Data:

Rwy 15(147°)/33(327°)
4346 x 75 Ft asphalt

Rwy 06(057°)/24(237°)
2439 x 75 Ft Grass


ATF: traffic 123.2 5NM 6700 ASL

For any further information regarding CFN7’s flight information follow the link below: